Link's Awakening Suite
I am so excited to share this piece with everyone!
I consider myself to be a lifelong Zelda fan. I’ve been with it since the beginning, playing the original NES versions with my sister back when we were kids. Being the younger sibling, I got used to watching my sister navigate through the levels and beat the bad guys before I got my turn. However, playing Link’s Awakening was the first time I had ventured into the world of Zelda alone. I vividly remember the first time I beat the game, how seeing Koholint vanish brought my twelve-year-old self to tears. At the time, I was just beginning to really get involved with music, and I was very aware of how beautiful the themes in Link’s Awakening were. I would often beat the game just so I could sit and listen to the end credits music, the speakers on my Gameboy cranked up as they could go (which wasn’t very loud.) I remember wishing it were a real orchestra performing it…
20 years later, after hearing both the First and Second Quests of the amazing Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses concerts, I was inspired to create my own interpretation of my favorite Zelda game’s themes. I still had yet to hear those end credits performed as I had wished so long ago. I initially started to create only a small suite of a few of the themes of the game, with an emphasis on the ending sequence, but as I got going I just kept including more and more themes. The end result is a 15-minute long musical journey through the game from beginning to end.